Publish Time: 2020-04-05     Origin: Site

Recently, Medical inflatable tents have been widely used because of covid-19.

Now let's learn about medical inflatable tents.

Medical inflatable tents, also known as cotton tents, civilian tents, are a type of tent, and are mainly used for medical services such as emergency rescue, field training, and short-term field operations.

The medical inflatable tent adopts the principle of structural mechanics to design the frame, utilizes the gas pressure characteristics to inflate the airbag to form a rigid column, and supports the skeleton of the tent through an organic combination. With the strength of the skeleton material used, the load-bearing size of the tent can be set; the performance of the high score coating determines the service life of the frame and the maintenance of the frame rigidity; and the rationality of the air chamber setting, Determines the limit of the framework.

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